Covid-19 Update – For International Students

A message to International Students from the Study Melbourne Student Centre:

What to do if you have symptoms or a positive result

Your doctor or the clinic / test site where you were tested will contact you by phone or SMS to tell you your results, regardless if it is positive or negative. If you have symptoms, you must return home immediately after the test and remain in self-isolation until you receive your test result. If separate quarantine accommodation is necessary, this is free and at no cost to you.

Support for international students

All medical care for international students to treat confirmed or suspected coronavirus cases will be free if not covered by your Overseas Student Health Cover. International students in forced isolation are eligible for emergency care packages and may be eligible for $1500 payments for lost work due to isolation.

Study Melbourne is dedicated to supporting our international student community during this challenging time. Please refer to the Study Melbourne coronavirus hub on or contact the Study Melbourne Student Centre on 1800 056 449 for information on additional assistance available.